ABOUT | About GoD inc. & Dennis Donker
"Hey, wait, I'm having one of those things... you know, a headache with pictures..."
- Fry having An idea (Futurama)

About Dennis Donker
This website contains the work and thoughts of Me, Dennis Donker, A 21 year old "Artist" (for the lack of a better term) from the Netherlands. I am currently in the third year of my HBO study Art and Technology (Kunst en Techniek) at Saxion Hogeschool Enschede. The work featured on this site was all made for either school projects, commercial projects or just for the fun of making it. I have a deep love for Graphic Design, Audio, Music, Animation, Games, Game-Design, IA Design and all possible combinations of these different fields of artistic expressions.

Why GoD inc.
I first used the term God inc. about 5 years ago on a t-shirt. It was used in the text: "god inc. we own you" which was a comment on the exploitation of people's faith and believes. God inc. is a term that proved to stick with people and was therefore quickly used as name under which I started to bring out projects and work.

- Both this website God inc. or Dennis Donker has no affiliation with the YouTube series God, Inc. by the Artist/Director: Francis Stokes

Dennis Donker 2008