"Game's over, losers! I have all the money! Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves!"
- Bender (Futurama)
- Bender (Futurama)
About these Links
This is a list of links to website i find usefull, inspirational or that belong to people I work with. I try to keep this site updated as much as posible
if you think your website should be in this list aswell or if you have spotted a dead link, please feel free to Contact Me.
LeBelg: www.lievenmaes.nlPortfolio website of Lieven Maes, an Artist/Designer i've had the pleasure of working with on a number of projects.
Arcipello: www.artofconway.com
A very Talented Artist with some very amazing work.
Petri Purho: www.kloonigames.com
This is a site with a number of very cool FREE Indie games. All of them trying out new game concepts. try a game called Crayon Physics
2D Boy: www.2dboy.com
Waiting for World of Goo. You got to love these kind of Games
Interactees: www.interactees.com/Very cool T-shirts with LED-displays
Tutorialized: www.tutorialized.comGreat tutorials for all kinds of programs including: Flash, Photoshop and Maya
Learning Maya: www.learning-maya.com
Great tutorials for MAYA
W3 SCHOOLS: www.w3schools.com
Great tutorials for Web development